Где лучше приобретать новогодние подарки, рассказала в пресс-центре Псковской Ленты Новостей и радиостанции «ПЛН FM» начальник отдела защиты прав потребителей управления Роспотребнадзора по Псковской области Ольга Кольцова 26 декабря
The main idea of the text is to advise residents of the Pskov region on where to buy safe and reliable New Year's gifts.
The expert recommends choosing trusted stores and markets, whether large chains or smaller local shops. While online marketplaces are also an option, it's crucial to carefully examine product packaging and expiry dates, especially for food items.
The main idea of the text is to advise residents of the Pskov region on where to buy safe and reliable New Year's gifts. The expert recommends choosing trusted stores and markets, whether large chains or smaller local shops. While online marketplaces are also an option, it's crucial to carefully examine product packaging and expiry dates, especially for food items.